Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 Days, UPS and a Firewire Cable

4 days to go and we're still working hard. Today, our friendly UPS delivery man dropped off 3 more boxes of uniforms. I haven't counted the exact number, but I'm confident in saying we're gonna have about 150 decked out players sportin' some fly digs while planying for the trophy!

Also, I went in search of a firewire cable today and came as close as the wrong size connector! The silver lining of this story is that I now know of 4 stores that ALMOST have what we need. So, I'll go in search of one again tomorrow.

With tomorrow in mind, I'd like to inform you all that Margaret and I will be picking up ANOTHER package of goods. A very generous donation of equipment has been arranged by our friend Andy's father. He is the coach of a local soccer team. His players and their families have made this contribution to the players of Uganda. If you are one of these players, one of their family members, or supported this effort in any other way, thank you. I wish you all could be there when these items will be delivered. For people that have so little, a gesture like this enables them to enjoy the game you love so much more. If any of you would like to contact any of the players, coaches, or families you're helping let us know and we'll do our best to either connect you or to communicate your message and send their response.

Thanks everybody!

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