Sunday, April 19, 2009

Donated Jerseys and Balls

What you see here are just some of the donated items we'll be taking with us. We're still waiting for another shipment of jerseys to come in (we've already got 91!) and another 41lb package of soccer supplies. These contributions will mean the world to those that receive them. Sorry the pics are sideways, I'm still learning! I'll do my best to get them straight next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have been e-mailing with Margaret about this project and it sounds really interesting! I am currently in Gulu doing a study abroad program which ends May 15th. After that me and a fellow student, Caitlin, will be staying in Gulu until the end of June. We are planning on starting a women's soccer team. It's great to hear that you are coming to Gulu, because there is a strong need empowerment through soccer! I would love to meet up and learn more about what your plans are and maybe we could work together or share ideas. What dates will you guys be in Gulu? my e-mail is:


    Peace and Love,
    Michelle Baker
