Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Dream Come True

Its always been a dream of mine to go somewhere in Africa, not to long ago Matt presented me with the perfect opportunity to visit Uganda and work on a sport outreach project. The adventure has already started for me, since I have returned from Asia just 1 month ago I have been given a total of 2 months to get my act together. I have already fallen in love with the project and I haven't even made it to Uganda yet!

Over the past month Matt and I have been organizaing our thoughts and preparing resources for our trip. Fundraising events have been our challenge and success. Its intimadating when you are faced with fundraising when you have never fundraised before. What do you do to get started? Through family, friends and the greater community I was able to find that as soon as you reach out, people are there to suport.

March 21st 2009, we held our very first Game Night and Fundraiser. A trikle of people arrived to play games and bid on various items that were graciously donated by 3 of the following businesses. Edgeworks Climbing: Bouldering Day Passes, Kinder Swimmer: 1 month swim lessons, and Convergent Therapy: 1 hour massages. Convergent Therapy also provided 2 massage therapists the night of the event giving free 10 minute massages. To end the night Matt and I shared a power point, filled with information about the project and wonderful pictures of the Soccr Tournament from Matt's trip in 2008.

April 8th 2009, at Edgeworks Climbing we presented a Slide Show on Uganda. This was a laid back and relaxing crowd. Here you got to see a good glimpse of Uganda, the slide show was filled with more then just the 2008 soccer tournament. Mud fish, big birds, monkeys, never ending train tracks, the slums, villages, hunters and taxis galore! And to bring the place to life, the faces, capturing the profile of people and their expressions are priceless and unforgettable. oh and don't forget the brownies and cupcakes during the slide show, mmmm mmmmm!

It has been very meaningful and touching for me to hear and see the interest people have aspired for the project. Thank you all for listening and supporting us as we begin our journey!!

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