Monday, April 6, 2009

April 25th - July 14th

Departure: April 25
Seattle-Newark, NJ
Newark-Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands-Entebbe, Uganda

Return: July 14

I've gotta say I'm excited to be going... back! My last experience in Uganda was so powerful that I had trouble finding a way to express just what it meant to me. I was also having a difficult time trying to figure out who I was trying to express it too. The obvious choices are family, friends, and the interested acquaintance. But, even as these opportunities presented themselves the words I chose were never the choice words. Somehow, by choice or by subconscious I could never an adequate voice.

This time, however, I think I've found what's been missing and it had less to do with communicating with the people back home than the people I am going back too. I feel like I'm living up to an internal promise that I wouldn't forget them and that I would do my best to bring about a greater awareness of their situation.

In 19 days we'll be leaving and bringing you the story as it unfolds. Thanks to all who have supported us so far. To date we've raised nearly $500 in donations and couldn't be happier with it.

Stay tuned.


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